Technique: Admit a product flaw to turn a weakness into a strength

When you write copy, one of the most persuasive ways to get into people's minds is to be open and admit your flaws.

It's cheeky. it’s disarming. It’s memorable.  

Psychologists call this the Pratfall effect, and it applies to people and brands.

You see, when you admit your flaws people tend to like you more. Because it’s a demonstration of honesty. And this makes your claim more believable AND makes your brand sound a lil more human.



1. Who you’re talking to (in this case it’s cat owners)⇝  “Why your cat loves”

2. Admit a weakness ⇝  “food more expensive than me human food”

Pro Tip: If you use this technique make sure you write a first paragraph that
expands a lil more the claim you made in your headline.