Technique: Tell the truest truth

Communicate your brand truest truth. ONE unfiltered truth that might persuade people about your brand or product, and nothing else.

But tell it in a way that’s never been said before (so you can take advantage of The Goal Dilution Effect).

The Goal Dilution Effect shows that if you communicate something is singular, the more effective people believe that thing is.

1. Reframe your product in a radical new way ⇝ “You’re hiring email marketing ichigyo-zammai”

2. Admit a weakness ⇝  “That’s why we do one thing, and one thing only. Email marketing. Nothing else.”

Pro Tip: Writing copy is hard. But you don't have to start with a complete blank page.

Before trying to write web or ad copy, ask yourself: "What's the most unfiltered truth I can say that might persuade people about my product or brand?"

To find your unfiltered truth search what people are saying about your product or brand online.

Here's a little trick I use a lot when writing copy for clients (Warning: This involves detective work):

1. Figure out where your audience hangs out online.

2. Open Twitter, Instagram, TikTok or whatever social media tool you picked in step 1.

3. In the search bar type your product's name or brand.

4. Open a Google Docs file and copy paste what people are saying about your brand.

5. Pick the 10 most interesting/funny/weird/direct/memorable unfiltered truths people are sharing online about your product/brand.

6. Decide how you want to make people feel about each one of those truths.

7. Then change a fews words and turn them into short sentences (Powerisms). Limit your sentence length to 10 Words.

Whatever you might end coming up with might not be the final copy, but it sure will help you get there.